---Reference.comThere are many theories pointing to the origin of the name 'Oreo', including derivations from the French word 'Or', meaning gold (as early packaging was gold), or the Greek word 'Oros', meaning mountain or hill (as the original Oreo was moundshaped) or even the Greek word 'Oreos', meaning beautiful/nice. Other theories are that the 're' from cream was 'sandwiched' between the two Os from chocolate, or the word 'just seemed like a nice, melodic combination of sounds'. Oreo is very similar to the Hydrox cookie manufactured by Sunshine, which was introduced in 1908, leading to speculation that Oreo obtained the idea from Sunshine. Having lost market share to Oreo for years, Hydrox cookies were withdrawn in 1999, but was re-introduced by Kellogg's in August 2008.
Et voici un historique des prix réels des Oreo aux États-Unis en me servant des données du Bureau of Labor Statistics et de Food Timeline.com