The Becker Idea: Make Immigrants Pay?

jeudi 17 juin 2010 ·

That's the case that Becker puts forward during his visit here in London. I myself had the chance to see his lecture at the Institute of Economic Affairs and the case is strongly put forward:
"What the government would do is set a price, and the price would be determined by how many people they would like to admit, and then they would allow everyone to come in who could pay that price, aside from obvious exceptions like terrorists," he told The Daily Telegraph before delivering the 19th Institute of Economic Affairs Annual Hayek Memorial Lecture in London.(...)

Professor Becker, who teaches at the University of Chicago and won the Nobel Memorial Prize for Economic Science in 1992, said the most skilled immigrants would still be attracted, because they would be able to generate the highest returns from their investment in the entry fee.

He said the programme would also reduce opposition to immigration, by eliminating the sense that immigrants were getting "a free ride". He will argue that a government loan system should be introduced to ensure that young, ambitious people could borrow the entry fee and pay it back over time.

"Usually governments are encouraged to make more radical changes when they decide that things are pretty bad and the present solutions aren't working. That's the situation the UK is finding itself in, the US is finding itself in, and Germany, Scandinavia, and other countries," Mr Becker said.

The Daily Telegraph

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Scientifiquement justes, politiquement incorrects


Bryan Breguet est candidat au doctorat en sciences économiques à l’université de Colombie-Britannique. D’origine Suisse, il a passé les cinq dernières années au Québec au cours desquelles il s’est engagé en politique provinciale malgré le fait qu’il ne possédait pas encore la citoyenneté canadienne. Il détient un B.Sc en économie et politique ainsi qu’une maitrise en sciences économiques de l’université de Montréal. Récipiendaire de plusieurs prix d’excellences et bourses, il connaît bien les méthodes quantitatives et leurs applications à la politique.

Vincent Geloso holds a master’s degree in economic history from the London School of Economics, with a focus on business cycles, international development, labor markets in preindustrial Europe and the new institutional economics. His research work examined the economic history of the province of Quebec from 1920 to 1960. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from the Université de Montréal. He has also studied in the United States at the Washington Centre for Academic Seminars and Internships. Mr. Geloso has been an intern for the Prime Minister’s cabinet in Ottawa and for the National Post. He has also been the recipient of a fellowship from the Institute for Humane Studies and an international mobility bursary from the Ministère des Relations internationales du Québec. Currently, he is an economist at the Montreal Economic Institute.

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